
No dia 15/03/2013 a Carol nos telefonou pela primeira vez. 2013! Estávamos no escritório e o telefone tocou. Do outro lado, uma menina Curitibana que morava em Madrid. A Carol nos contou um pouquinho da história dos dois e nos pediu um orçamento para o casamento dela com o Juan (com quem na verdade acabara de casar na Espanha), que aconteceria em Curitiba em 2014. A vida às vezes apronta algumas travessuras que não entendemos e por uma horrível força do destino o casamento da Carol e do Juan acabou tendo que ser adiado para 2015.

Na época que o casamento foi adiado já estávamos com uma viagem marcada para Madrid. Foi aí que descobrimos que a Carol e o Juan estariam em Chicago por um tempo. Aceitamos que o universo estava conspirando contra nosso primeiro encontro, e que isso era um sinal que só conheceríamos os dois na semana do casamento. Mas às vezes o mundo nos presenteia com surpresas boas também, e nosso primeiro encontro com os dois foi em um dos nossos cafés favoritos nesse planeta. Descobrimos que nosso queridinho Federal café de Barcelona havia aberto uma segunda loja em Madrid e que a Carol e o Juan compartilhavam do nosso amor por cafés da manhã (e café em geral). Depois do nosso café da manhã no Federal, sentimos que ainda faltava café no sangue. Mencionamos que queríamos conhecer o TOMA café, que por coincidência era o café favorito dos dois, então passamos boa parte do dia em um cafézinho vazio (como as ruas de Madrid em Agosto) conversando sobre a vida. Acho que naquele dia já percebemos que teríamos dois novos amigos em nossas vidas.

Mesmo de longe, conversamos muito com a Carol e o Juan depois desse dia. A Carol tem um trabalho incrível criando projetos de papelaria personalizada para casamentos lá no Chuva de Papel, então estávamos sempre conversando não só sobre o casamento deles, mas também sobre trabalho. A Carol e o Juan faziam questão de ter um casamento com a cara dos dois. Não só que tivesse a cara dos dois, mas um casamento em que os convidados se sentissem especiais e à vontade e que durasse um dia inteiro, pra ser um dia gostoso. De longe acompanhamos quanto tempo eles investiram pra fazer tudo isso acontecer, mas acho que só os dois e suas famílias sabem quanto tempo e força de vontade os dois investiram pra fazer tudo isso acontecer. Sabemos que os dois passaram dias e dias cuidando de cada detalhe, fazendo os quadrinhos com mensagens à mão, carimbando copinhos, fazendo as lembrancinhas, escolhendo fotos, criando a papelaria e investindo todo o tempo livre (que não era muito) nesse projeto casamento. A família também entrou em ação, dobrando tsurus, fazendo toalhas e juntando objetos da família na decoração. Foi muito legal acompanhar todo esse processo de longe e aos poucos ir recebendo notícias de tudo de novo que acontecia.

Sentimos que fotografamos amigos em Curitiba. Desde a família que nos acolheu como se fossemos amigos íntimos que vieram de longe e que nos mandou presentes pelo correio (obrigado, não só pelos presentes mas por essa nossa última conversa, Cibele) aos padrinhos e amigos que vieram de todos os cantos do mundo e nos receberam como se fizéssemos parte da turma. Depois de alguns anos de amizade tivemos que ir até Curitiba para realmente nos sentirmos amigos juntos. Foi como fotografar em casa.

Parabéns Carol e Juan. Vocês construíram um dos casamentos mais únicos e especiais que já vimos. Sabemos o quanto esse processo foi difícil e imaginamos que em algum momento vocês devem ter até pensado em desistir, mas temos certeza que tudo isso fez de vocês um casal ainda mais forte. Obrigado por nos deixar fazer parte da vida de vocês.

Carol first got in touch with us early in 2013 (yes, 2013). She was living in Madrid at the time and she called us and talked to us for a bit on the phone and told us a little about herself and about Juan. She told us about how they had been living in Madrid for a bit but were going to be in Chicago for a while and how they were going to get married in Brazil. It’s funny the way life works in mysterious and sometimes difficult to understand ways, but their wedding ended up getting pushed back to late 2015.

The wedding getting pushed back meant that we would get to meet before they got married. Not here in São Paulo, not in Curitiba where they were gonna get married, not in Chicago where they were living at the time – but back in Madrid. So we met, for breakfast, then more coffee,and we instantly knew we had just met new friends. It might have been due to the fact that we just hit it off really well, but Carol and Juan also love coffee and Carol creates awesome custom wedding stationery over at Chuva de Papel, so we had that in common.

It was so awesome to see (even from far away) how deeply involved these two and their families were in the process of getting everything ready for their day, and it was incredible to know we would be photographing friends that day in Curitiba. From the moment we set foot in town we were so warmly welcomed by their incredible friends and families who made sure to treat us as one of their own, we fel so at ease connecting with everyone. This is always special to us. It felt like being at home with friends.

Thank you Carol and Juan for trusting us with something so important in your lives. Thank you for all the hangouts that have happened before and since in all these different places we have gotten to meet in. Thank you for being so welcoming and treating us like friends from day one of this journey. So glad we were able to play this small role in such a big day in your lives. Thank you!

You have suffered enough/ and warred with yourself/ it’s time that you won.

Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (1)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (2)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (3)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (4)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (5)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (6)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (7)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (8)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (9)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (10)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (11)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (12)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (13)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (14)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (15)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (16)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (17)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (18)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (19)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (20)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (21)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (22)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (23)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (24)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (25)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (26)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (27)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (28)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (29)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (30)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (31)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&MariliaSuch a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (33)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (34)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (35)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (36)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (37)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (38)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (39)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (40)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (41)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (42)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (43)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (44)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (45)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (46)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (47)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (48)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (49)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (50)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (51)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (52)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (53)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (54)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (55)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (56)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (57)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (58)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (59)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (60)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (61)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (62)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (63)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (64)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (65)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (66)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (67)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (68)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (69)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (70)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (71)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (72)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (73)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (74)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (75)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (76)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (77)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (78)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (79)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (80)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (81)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (82)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (83)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (84)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (85)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (86)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (87)Such a beautiful wedding dress and that flower crown | Beautiful and colorful outdoor wedding in southern Brazil | Photos by Frankie&Marilia (88)

Maquiagem: Karina Magalhães
Terno do nNoivo: J Crew
Cerimonial: Bliss Eventos Especiais
Celebrante: Sued Jorge Nassar
Espaço da Cerimônia/Festa: Recanto Bom Conselho
Buffet: Anis Gastronomia
Projeto de Decoração: Noivos e familia + Maria Fernanda e Guilherme
Chalkboards/Lousinhas: Noivo
Convites e Papelaria: Chuva de Papel
Flores: Maria Fernanda e Guilherme
DJ: DJ Fred
Lembrancinhas: Rose Petenucci
Tenda: Art Tendas